Registration for sport classes in USOS has been closed. If you wish to enroll in a sport class or switch group, you'll need to contact the sport office (SWFIS) and the PE teacher directly. They will confirm available slots before any changes can be made.

Sport classes available during registration in the USOS system:

Team games: football, basketball, volleyball, games and recreational activities

Fitness: aerobics, yoga, TBC (general development training), healthy spine, thai-chi, bodybuilding

Swimming: 25-meter pool mostly deep recommended for more advanced swimmers (Pałac Młodzieży pool) or 50-meter pool in half deep, good for beginners (Inflancka pool)

Combat sports: judo and self-defense, boxing, kickboxing

Outdoor activities: mountain biking, sailing, nordic walking, lowland hiking, trekking camp, kayaking camp, skiing*, snowboarding* (*registration via website

Other: tennis, wall climbing, ballroom dancing, golf, chess, sports bridge

Please note:

We start classes on February 19th, 2024 (Monday) at our sports facilities.

Your presence is important from the beginning of the semester.

Here you can find teachers' mail addresses and duty hours


Physical education timetable for spring semester 2023/2024

PLAN LATO 2024 (.pdf, 134,65 kB)


Names of sports classes in the schedule:

SIAT – general sport activities focus on volleyball

KOSZ – general sport activities focus on basketball

P. N  - general sport activities focus on football

KULT/ SIŁOWNIA - general sport activities focus on bodybuilding

SAMOOBRONA/JUDO - general sport activities focus on self-defense/judo

Z.KRĘGOSŁUP - general exercises on healthy spine

WSPINACZKA – indor climbing (paid extra)

TENIS – tenis (paid extra)

PŁYWANIE - swimming

TANIEC - rock and roll dance or swing dance

NARTY - skiing, weekend activities (paid extra)

TURYSTYKA - lowland hiking tourism, weekend activities

ŻEGLARSTWO - sailing, weekend activities in October, only for students with sailing licenses


If you want to sign up for PE classes, rewrite the credit got earlier, change the exercise group, download and fill in the document:

sign up for PE classes

change the exercise group

ZGODA NA ZMIANĘ GRUPY (.docx, 14,35 kB)

credit transfer


Some helpful information in completing PE classes:

  1. The student must register for the PE class as soon as possible. If there is no access to USOS, you should write a mail to the teacher conducting the selected classes and ask for a free place.
  2. Students can get PE credit in section trainings (if they play any sport).
  3. The student cannot complete PE classes by participating in sports classes, apart from those offered by Sport Department in WUT.
  4. The student may miss max 1 PE class per semester without the obligation to make up absence.
  5. The student is obliged to make up for unexcused absences (maximum 3) and short-term sick leaves in consultation with a teacher, but not later than the 12th week of semester.
  6. Medical leave does not give a credit for physical education. A student with a sick leave is required to complete the semester of physical education before graduation.
  7. Students who has medical leave do not register in USOS system but have to send e-mail to sport office
  8. Students applying for a credit transfer must register for PE class in semester 2023fall and send the credit transfer document to sport office no later than 30 days from the beginning of semester
  9. In the case of resignation from PE classes in semester 2023 spring, the student is obliged to unregister from PE class within 30 days from the beginning of semester

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact dr Katarzyna Dzioban